Instruction includes costume design, acting, yoga, lighting design, dance, voice, playwriting, and makeup design.
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Theater Offers Classes for Seniors, Spirituality
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The Laboratory Theater of Florida
Christmas Break Camp, Winter Classes Set
The Laboratory Theater of Florida in Ft. Myers is offering classes for kids during the Christmas break, part of the theater's Lab Classes winter program.
The Lab Rats Winter Camp for kids ages 7–13 will run Dec. 26–28 and Jan. 2–4, 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. each day, culminating in a performance at 2 p.m. on Jan. 4. Instruction includes costume design, acting, yoga, lighting design, dance, voice, playwriting, and makeup design.
Tuition for the six-day session is $150 per child with a discount for families registering multiple children. Children need to bring their own lunch, but light snacks are provided. Participants should also wear tennis shoes.
The following is also on the agenda in the Laboratory Theater's Winter Program:
- “Improvisation,” Tuesdays from 2:45–4:15 p.m., 10 weeks, $90, for all ages. Participants learn how to come out from behind the scripted words and react spontaneously, to explore their imaginations and creativity to discover what works and what doesn't, and to stretch beyond their realm of experience.
- “Intro to Acting” 1–3 p.m., Tuesday, Jan. 8, eight weeks, $90, for all ages. This class, taught by Lab Theater founding member Nykkie Rizley, is designed to challenge participants' current acting abilities, helping to further develop and enhance their skills through training, practice, and learning to take direction effectively. Exercises will include drama games, scene work, monologues, and improvisation. The class is geared toward those who participate, taking into account each person's goal in taking the class, abilities, and experience level.
- “Control Your Body for Life,” Monday evenings, times to be determined, for all ages. In addition to promoting cardiovascular fitness and correct posture, this introductory class provides a welcoming and friendly environment for adults with no prior movement experience. Here they will learn to become more expressive in the classroom and on the stage, improving their overall confidence as actors and as performers by learning basic ballet positions, concepts, and vocabulary by performing exercises at the barre and in the center.
A class in “Costume Creation” is also in the works.
For more information and registration, go to laboratorytheaterflorida.com/Education__Outreach.html, or e-mail education@laboratorytheaterflorida.com.
December 21, 2012
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