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Shakespeare & Company

Minnesota Outdoor Company Celebrates 40th

Shakespeare & Company logoWilliam Shakespeare's masterpiece comedy and tragedy, accompanied by Molier, make up the 40th anniversary summer season for Shakespeare & Company at White Bear Lake, Minnesota, that state's longest running outdoor classical repertory theater.

The season kicks off June 27 with Shakespeare's Twelfth Night, directed by Ann Frances Gregg. Hamlet joins the repertory July 3, helmed by the company's artistic director, George M. Roesler. Moliere's The Miser rounds out the season, starting its run July 10. Jeff Altier will direct Moliere's classic comedy.

The season concludes Aug. 2.

All performances are Friday and Saturday at 7 p.m. and Sunday at 6 p,m. at the Outdoor Theatre Complex on the West Campus of Century College, 3300 Century Ave. N, White Bear Lake MN 55110. Admission is $15 for adults and $13 for seniors. Children under 12, free. Tickets available at the ticket booth prior to performance.

The company suggests that you bring a blanket or lawn chair and a picnic supper to the performance.

June 18, 2015

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